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Archaeological Dig
Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico
March 7-17, 2019

University of Miami
PIs: Dr. William Pestle & Dr. Carmen Laguer Diaz

Cabo Rojo location on the southwest side of Puerto Rico

Survey map

Will Pestle and students on the first day of survey

Walking to survey location

19th C survey find, bottom of a ginger beer bottle

Excavation (photo by Milagros Ocampo)

Sunrise at the excavation site

Excavation site

Sorting excavation finds

Prehistoric artifact found at excavation

Punctured shell beads found at prehistoric excavation site, from about 5,000 years before present.

Cabo Rojo beach near the house

Dr. William Pestle & Dr. Carmen Laguer Diaz at the Faro Los Morrillos Lighthouse in Cabo Rojo



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